Monday, April 1, 2013

Body, Mind and Soul

OK AC Youth
March 2013

Habits are hard to break. You do something for long enough and it becomes the fabric of your person. You become self-involved. You forget the rest of the world exists. You distract yourself. You start at parts that never stop. You do it until your body, mind and soul are far more important tools than what you've allowed yourself to believe. The world is changing and billions are still suffering. You've been given a gift. You can save them; you can push the world in the right direction. You have to build yourself body, mind and soul. You have to save yourself before you can change the world. 

Voice of the Voiceless

OK AC Youth
March 2013

Your roses are red and your violets are blue,
But the flowers in my life are of a colorless hue.
My sun has set and has yet to rise,
While your sun reflects off the lust in your eyes.
I bleed red as Christ’s blood had shown
While you bleed green, as your pockets have grown.
All of these differences define one single fact,
The world is a cage and I am a rat.

What Can Paper Do?

OK AC Youth
March 2013

My name is Ben. I live in a leather bound house. I see the joys of being received and the pain of being given away. Sometimes it is by force and others from the goodness of someone’s heart. I have seen girls weep at the sight of me being given to who I can only assume is their father. I have seen the joy of a father when his daughter or son gives me to him. I have seen diplomats withhold me from their workers. I have seen the workers ask for more of my brothers and be denied. I want to help but cannot. I have seen and heard but never have I been allowed to talk. But you see, what can paper do?

Our Voice

OK AC Youth
March 2013

They don’t want to hear that it’s happening. We don’t want to hear that it’s happening. No one does. Where’s the voice speaking out? Where does this voice lie at? This voice lies within every single one of us. We just need to say what we have to say for everyone to hear. Nothing will change if we don’t find that voice within ourselves. Speak up and speak out. Make some noise because our voices must and will be heard.

Who Am I?

OK AC Youth
March 2013

Who am I?
Am I a person?
A piece of property?
Or just standing in thin air?

Who am I?
Am I loved?
Am I someone who is cared for?

Who am I?
I wish I knew.

They Will Learn

OK AC Youth
March 2013

They tell us to be quiet
To defer
To wait
But we will not

They tell us we are too young
We don’t understand
This is too big for us
Just sit down
But we stand up

They say we are small
We are weak
We are unimportant
But we are not

Let them talk about us
Let them think we are nothing
We will stand
We will fight
We will make a change

They will learn


OK AC Youth
March 2013

It’s not just cars stopped on a highway,
Human trafficking;
Its not out there
It’s not someone else’s problem
It is here,
It is now!
It needs to be stopped.

It’s not just a reality show
Making your voice heard:
It’s not just in the bathroom
It can make a difference.
It is here
It is now
It needs to be heard.

At the crossroads of Human Trafficking
My voice must be heard in DC
In Oklahoma
At Annual Conference
It’s time to pay attention to my surroundings
People will hear my voice on Human Trafficking.